May 27Liked by Chris Zappa

I guess I am the first this week!

The situation in Gaza is absolutely dire!

The Israeli government needs to stop the violence against the Palestinian people living in Gaza. Hamas & the Israeli government are BOTH at fault & they each need to stop killing innocent civilians IMMEDIATELY!!

It seems that just when hostilities have a chance to end, the Israeli government escalates the situation!

President Biden needs to be as forceful as possible to prevent further bloodshed!


There needs to be a two-state solution that establishes a Palestinian homeland & Israel needs to recognize that it has a right to exist! Just like Israel wants to be recognized by Islamic countries.

There has to be an equitable give & take to end this madness!

I subscribed to Diatribes & look forward to reading it regularly!

I'm glad you decided to share your opinions outside of the music biz!


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May 30Β·edited May 30Author

Thank you for speaking up and for showing your support here, my friend. I agree with every word you said.

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May 27Liked by Chris Zappa

As a parent, I can’t imagine either. I don’t know that we can donate our way out, but we must do


That was just the right amount of music news to settle back down. I’m new, maybe it’s a standard length?

Also: Crowded House?!! Next you’ll be telling me The Pixies are still at it (teasing, fight club told me). I heard but did not see CH at Bumpershoot in the late 80s.

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Hey, I wanted to say thank you for being here @iamlove. All of the shit that's blown up surrounding this particular issue of the newsletter is not the norm around here. For the most part, for more than two years now, I've made it a point to keep this newsletter solely focused on music. I'd say that minus the whole commentary on Palestine this is a pretty typical length for Zappagram. I try to be as comprehensive as possible each week. I plan to reserve my social commentary for Diatribes, which, I also wanted to thank you for subscribing to. Crowded House & Pixies rule!

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I'm happy I found both spots. Music has always been political and I believe real music lovers understand that. I keep my projects separate too (I'm a DJ and produce music, among other things) but I blur the lines from time to time too. It's nice to have a little separation, an escape, as music is for many.

Some are not brave enough to risk offending their following, but I think whatever influence anyone may have is well spent on an important issue when warranted and this certainly qualifies. I learned the President of Ireland does not often enter the fray, but has also spoken out, simply because it is the right thing to do.

Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to reading more in both publications.

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You are all getting sucked into the cult. Do you forget what evil started this off? Did you forget what happened at the music festival in Israel? Did you forget about the musicians who were horribly slaughtered? Did you forget how their dead and broken bodies were hauled off in pickups and paraded through the streets of β€˜Palestine’ with cheering crowds? Did you forget about the babies and children and parents that Hamas and, yes, Palestinians, killed in Israel? Was that all ok? Is it ok that Israeli children saw their parents tortured and killed in front of them and then were grabbed by Palestinians and raped and brutalized and killed or spirited away to underground lairs by pure evil people to be tortured more? Is that what you want? Is that what you like? I love your take on music but I want nothing to do with you, brother, until you come to your senses. By the way, those videos you watched are almost all staged and that’s been done AND busted for a very long time. You and many others are being fooled. I challenge you ,brother, to go and see for yourself. Go to Israel and see and hear for yourself what Israel puts up with. Gaza is off, you’d be dead or kidnapped in minutes. Two states, which there is no physical nation of Palestine, is a stupid idea. Israel gave them Gaza and look what happened. The Palestinian people need moved far away from Israel with no touching borders. Yeah, no Arab or Muslim country wants them, for good reason. That didn’t work out well in the past. So where do you want to move them? Here? No thanks. This isn’t a hate comment. Just one musician to another bring a dose of reality. So even easier. Meet me at Shenksville, PA. Come see what a close related horrible evil did to innocent people. Read about real bravery. Experience the real, not virtual made up. It’s a safe place now. You’ll understand why Israel has to finish the job before them.

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It’s a genocide. Sorry you don’t like facts. Sorry you don’t care about babies being blown to bits just because they’re brown. Come to my senses? Pull your head out of your ass. If I seem a little angry it’s because I’m tired of seeing DEAD BABIES ON MY FUCKING SCREEN.

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You can stop the swearing to force your opinion anytime. So you didn’t respond to what happened at Nova. Was that ok or not? Hamas (ie Palestinians) murdered Israeli families in front of each other and then burnt their children alive. What kind of human does that? You like that? You like what they did to the girls? You like that? They video’d what they did. Watch that. Fill your eyes with that inconvenient truth. Hamas and their handlers stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth in the most brutal, terroristic ways they can. Is that not genocide? Get off your privileged butt and go to Gaza to help if you so desire. You’ll find out the truth. I’m still waiting on your response on a trip to Shenksville. The evil that did that is the same that fills Hama’s hate. Don’t swear at me, my friend. It’s not becoming or intelligent discourse. You want to talk, just talk. See you in Shenksville? Todd Beamer is the type of person you should aspire to be like. Not these Hamas scum or brainless college protestors without understanding. Useful idiots stirred up. Talk is cheap, ya know? Do something to help. Walk it out if you so believe. Shenksville or Gaza. Be real.

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First off, I don’t need you or anyone else playing the role of morality police on MY page. If I want to swear, I’ll fucking swear. Got it? Last I checked, it’s still a free country (for now.) And don’t take a condescending tone with me telling me about intelligent discourse when you come across equating every Palestinian with Hamas. That’s a level of ignorance I just can’t handle.

You don’t really think that, do you? That every man, woman, child, and infant in Gaza is Hamas? That they’re all terrorists? Please tell me you don’t think that because that’s what you seem to be implying, and if so, I’m offended on a fucking molecular level.

For the record, I denounce violence in all forms. I denounce the terrorist group Hamas and everything they do. They are war criminals and should be tried and convicted as such, alongside Netanyahu and his war cabinet. Of course, I denounce the October 7 attacks and every awful thing that happened that terrible day. I denounce all of the violence that came before and after.

Also, for the record, I take offense to your inane line of questioning, e.g. β€œYou like that? You like what they did to the girls? You like that?” Again, how ridiculous and insulting can you be? (That's a rhetorical question.)

Look, if you are blind to the endless list of atrocities committed by both the Israeli and United States governments, I don’t know what to tell you. I can only recommend you go take an unfiltered look for yourself on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok. It’s all right there for you and every other idiot, myself included, to see. Plain as day. It’s a goddamn orgy of death and destruction. Cruelty on levels hard for an empathetic human to comprehend. Or maybe it’s just me and millions of others who feel like me.

Also, those β€œbrainless college protestors” as you so disrespectfully put it, have more education on the subject and infinitely more conviction about doing the right thing, than you’ll ever have.

I'm not your friend and I’m done with this fucking conversation.

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You obviously have forgotten the terrible genocide done to Jews in the past. They used the sympathy of the Holocaust to form their own country in what was then known as Palestine. Netanyahu & his cronies are doing the same thing to Palestinians! How is that justified?

They should know better!!

Like it or not, there is a difference between Hamas & the Palestinian people who lived in Gaza! People who were just trying to live their lives & raise their children. Who did this in spite of Hamas!

Hamas is bad but that doesn't make the Israeli government's actions good!

The only innocents is this whole fiasco are the children. Netanyahu just radicalized a whole new generation of Palestinians that will now HATE Israel for the war crimes they committed. Just when the situation seems to be improving Israel purposely does something to escalate the conflict! Netanyahu wants war & the killing to continue until there are no Palestinians left to fight against!

The Ends DO NOT justify the Means!

There needs to be an unconditional cessation of hostilities on BOTH SIDES NOW!!!!!

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Clearly, the issues between Israel and Gaza are complex. And killing of innocent people, especially children, is wrong.

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As a writer, you should know that it is important to understand the definition of genocide before you make that charge (unless you prefer to write from a position of ignorance). When the US and allied forces invaded Normandy, approximately 20,000 French civilians died (+ 300,000 left homeless). That was just during the battle for Normandy. Is it your position that the US was guilty of genocide? You probably understand that there wasn't a systematic attempt by the US to exterminate French civilians. It was tragic, but it wasn't genocide. The same holds true for Gaza.

Hamas seized power in Gaza in 2007 and has never held an election since. Other comments here have already reminded you of what they did (and PROMISE to do again) to Israeli civilians. With minimal effort, you could learn about what Hamas does to opposing political and civilian groups within Gaza. Civilian deaths within Gaza are an absolute tragedy, but your anger is misdirected.

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I know a goddamn genocide when I see it with my own fucking eyes. Nevermind the rest of the goddamned world screaming that it’s a genocide. So, miss me with your absolute condescending bullshit.

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May 28Liked by Chris Zappa

I appreciate you too. Thank you. A compassionate voice of logic and decency in a world gone positively fucking mad is a welcome change.

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And I hope they deport you to Gaza. Enjoy

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May 29Liked by Chris Zappa

Just to clarify: I, Oxfam, Amnesty International, ICC, International Court of Justice, top officers in the Irish, South African, and Norwegian government, and the UN have all been duped by fake videos but you haven't?

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Precisely, Andy. Thank you! Once upon a time, I thought that people couldn’t possibly be this stupid, but I’m no longer living under that delusion. It’s willful stupidity and, for that, there is absolutely no excuse.

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